Search Results for: "Hasker"

Metaphysics and the Tri-Personal God

In May 2017, Oxford University Press released this reprint edition of Metaphysics and the Tri-Personal God by William Hasker, part of their Oxford Studies in Analytic Theology series. William Hasker is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Huntington University in Huntington, Indiana, where he taught from 1966 until 2000.

From the publisher’s description of Metaphysics and the Tri-Personal God:

This is the first full-length study of the doctrine of the Trinity from the standpoint of analytic philosophical theology. William Hasker reviews the evidence concerning fourth-century pro-Nicene trinitarianism in the light of recent developments in the scholarship on this period, arguing for particular interpretations of crucial concepts. He then reviews and criticizes recent work on the issue of the divine three-in-oneness, including systematic theologians such as Barth, Rahner, Moltmann, and Zizioulas, and analytic philosophers of religion such as Leftow, van Inwagen, Craig, and Swinburne. In the final part of the book he develops a carefully articulated social doctrine of the Trinity which is coherent, intelligible, and faithful to scripture and tradition.

God and the Problem of Evil: Five Views

In 2017, IVP Academic published God and the Problem of Evil: Five Views in the Spectrum Multiview Book Series, edited by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr..  Meister is professor of philosophy and theology at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana. James K. Dew Jr. is associate professor of the history of ideas and philosophy and dean of the College at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

From the publisher’s description of God and the Problem of Evil:

Evil abounds. And so do the attempts to understand God in the face of such evil. The problem of evil is a constant challenge to faith in God. How can we believe in a loving and powerful God given the existence of so much suffering in the world? Philosophers and theologians have addressed this problem countless times over the centuries. New explanations have been proposed in recent decades drawing on resources in Scripture, theology, philosophy, and science. God and the Problem of Evil stages a dialogue between the five key positions in the current debate:

  • Phillip Cary: A Classic View 
  • William Lane Craig: A Molinist View 
  • William Hasker: An Open Theist View 
  • Thomas Jay Oord: An Essential Kenosis View 
  • Stephen Wykstra: A Skeptical Theism View

According to the classic position, associated especially with the Augustinian tradition, God permits evil and suffering as part of the grand narrative of divine providence to bring about the redemption of creation. Molinism modifies the classic view by adding God’s middle knowledge to the picture, in which God has knowledge of what creatures would do in all possible worlds. Open theism rejects the determinism of the classic view in favor of an account of God as a risk-taker who does not know for sure what the future holds. Essential kenosis goes further in providing a comprehensive theodicy by arguing that God cannot control creatures and thus cannot unilaterally prevent evil. Skeptical theism rejects the attempt to provide a theodicy and instead argues that, if God exists, we should not expect to understand God’s purposes. Edited, with an introduction, by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr., God and the Problem of Evil hosts a generous and informative conversation on one of the most pressing issues in the Christian life.

James Dew interviews philosopher and theologian Greg Welty on the problem of evil:

Keith Ward: On a Reformulation of Trinitarian Doctrine

20% off key titles from Cambridge University Press until February 28, 2017!

Cambridge University Press recently published Christ and the Cosmos: A Reformulation of Trinitarian Doctrine (2015) by Keith Ward.  Ward is Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College, University of London and Fellow of the British Academy. From the publisher’s description:

The concept of the ‘social Trinity’, which posits three conscious subjects in God, radically revised the traditional Christian idea of the Creator. It promoted a view of God as a passionate, creative and responsive source of all being. Keith Ward argues that social Trinitarian thinking threatens the unity of God, however, and that this new view of God does not require a ‘social’ component. Expanding on the work of theologians such as Barth and Rahner, who insisted that there was only one mind of God, Ward offers a coherent, wholly monotheistic interpretation of the Trinity. Christ and the Cosmos analyses theistic belief in a scientific context, demonstrating the necessity of cosmology to theological thinking that is often overly myopic and anthropomorphic. This important volume will benefit those who seek to understand what the Trinity is, why it matters and how it fits into a scientific account of the universe.

The Winter 2016 issue of Philosophia Christi (vol. 18, no. 2) will feature a unique symposium on Christ and Cosmos, with a lead article by Keith Ward, followed by responses from Richard Swinburne, Stephen Davis, Tom McCall, William Hasker, Dale Tuggy and many others. The critical interactions will not only interest those who track philosophical discussions on the trinity, but will interest readers eager to understand the implications of the doctrine of the trinity for other areas of philosophy and theology. In addition to this first-time symposium, the Winter issue includes the latest critiques of philosophical naturalism, Reformed Epistemology, along with insightful reviews of books in philosophy, theology and apologetics.

Subscribe/Renew today! All EPS members receive an annual journal subscription with their membership, along with access to the annual meeting.

Christ-Shaped Philosophy Project and Discussions on Natural Theology

A little over
a year ago, we inaugurated the

“Christ-Shaped Philosophy”
(CSP) project at the EPS website.

Now, with over

30 contributions
, you can download all of these engaging papers that interact
with Paul Moser’s

“Christ-Shaped Philosophy: Wisdom and Spirit United.”
Some recent contributions
include lively discussion on “natural theology” and Moser’s “Gethsemane Epistemology”:

Two Wisdoms? The Unity of Truth, the Spirit of the (Academic) Disciplines, and the Norms of Academic Philosophy

Paul Moser’s “Christ Shaped Philosophy” has generated a wide ranging discussion.

Early in that discussion, William Hasker argued that Moser’s call for disciplinary reform conflates two discrete concepts of “wisdom” (and by extension of “philosophy”).

Here, I argue (i) that these “two wisdoms” are not discrete, but interdependent aspects of a single wisdom, (ii) that current disciplinary norms in academic philosophy violate this interdependence, and (iii) that Moser’s call for reform is therefore justified.

The full-text of this contribution is available for FREE by clicking here.

Special Philosophia Christi Issue on Neuroscience and the Soul

The Evangelical Philosophical Society is pleased to announce the release of the Summer 2013 (vol. 15, no. 1) issue of Philosophia Christi, featuring notable philosophers like Oxford University’s Daniel Robinson and Durham University’s E. J. Lowe.

Guest editors Chad Meister and Charles Taliaferro write in their introduction to this issue that

This special summer issue of Philosophia Christi is devoted to neuroscience and the soul. It includes ten articles that bear on current thinking about science and the mind from a diverse group of philosophers. With the generous support of the John Templeton Foundation (JTF), Biola University’s Center for Christian Thought has helped to support this publishing opportunity. JTF is highly committed to fostering fruitful exchanges on science and religion. Our hope is that you find these articles engaging and perhaps challenging to your own perspective on the role of science in understanding the mind and the world of which it is a part.
Main article contributors include:
  • Daniel Robinson, “Neuroscience and the Soul.”
  • William Hasker, “What is Naturalism? And Should We be Naturalists?”
  • E. J. Lowe, “Naturalism, Theism, and Objects of Reason.”
  • Stewart Goetz, “The Argument from Reason.”
  • J. Daryl Charles, “Blame it on My Criminal Brain: Materialism, Metaphysics, and the Human Moral Instinct.”
  • Angus J. L. Menuge, “Neuroscience, Rationality and Free Will: A Critique of John Searle’s Libertarian Naturalism.”
  • Eric LaRock, “From Biological Naturalism to Emergent Subject Dualism.”
  • John M. DePoe, “RoboMary, Blue Banana Tricks, and the Metaphysics of Consciousness: A Critique of Daniel Dennett’s Apology for Physicalism.”
  • J. P. Moreland, “Mental vs. Top-Down Causation: Sic et Non.”
  • Anthony J. Rudd, “Bodily Subjectivity and the Mind-Body Problem.”

The Summer 2013 issue is available for purchase, whether as a single issue or as part of a subscription to the journal, by clicking here.

Christian Philosophy and Philosophy’s Perennial Problems

This paper joins Paul Moser, William Hasker, and Graham Oppy in that part of their discussion which concerns philosophy’s perennial problems. In their challenge to Moser’s project, for the most part, Hasker and Oppy draw from the extensive range of such questions, while avoiding the obvious, namely, philosophy’s “big questions.” The paper argues that it is the latter which, in an important sense, contextualize and serve as prolegomena for the Good News of God in Christ. However, this only occurs for a properly Christian philosophy, when through biblical answers many of these questions come to closure.

On the other hand, when philosophy insists on non-closure and writes the rules of knowing such that what Scripture says about these questions does not count as knowledge, it keeps at bay what Moser calls “God’s inquiry in Christ.”

The full-text of this contribution is available for FREE by clicking here.

Christian Philosophy and the Confessional Classroom

This paper offers a defense of Paul Moser’s recent work on Christian philosophy while also seeking to better understand it.

This involves integrating a previous concept of Moser’s with his “Christ-Shaped Philosophy” and then briefly furthering some concerns of Graham Oppy and William Hasker.

Finally, the paper explores what Christian philosophy might look like in the classroom.

The full-text of this contribution is available for FREE by clicking here.