2017 Call for Papers: Far West Regional EPS

November 14, 2016
Posted by Administrator

Due date for submissions: February 15, 2017

The EPS is expecting 3-6 parallel sessions at the ETS Far West Regional Conference, to be held at Gateway Seminary, 3210 E Guasti Rd, Ontario, CA 91761, on Friday, April 21, 2017.

We would like to encourage having a good range of faculty and student presentations.

  1. Paper proposals may be on any philosophical topic of interest to Christian philosophers, theologians, or biblical studies scholars. If you have a paper on a theme closely related to the ETS conference theme, that would be appreciated.
  2. Please submit a short abstract (no more than 200 words) of your paper to myself, scott.smith@biola.edu, BY FEB 15, 2017. Please just write it in the body of an e-mail message.
  3. Sessions are limited to 40 minutes, so please plan on taking no longer than 25-30 minutes to read your paper (i.e., about 12-15 pages, double-spaced). We want to have time for questions and answers.

Scott Smith will contact you later with information about the papers that are accepted, as well as schedule and registration info. You may know of students who should be encouraged to submit a proposal – if so, please do that. All presenters will need to be(come) members of EPS.

The ETS theme is “500 Years of Reformation: Sola Scriptura” and the plenary speaker is Dr. Carl Trueman. There will be an optional banquet after the parallel sessions are over, which is a good time to mingle and build relationships.

If your proposal is accepted, you still will need to register for the conference through ETS. The costs are $20 for registration ($10 students), and $20 for the banquet. More info on registration to come later.