Call for Papers: Tyndale Fellowship, Cambridge

March 09, 2016
Posted by Administrator

Call for Papers

The 2016 meeting of the Philosophy of Religion group will be part of the Tyndale Fellowship Quadrennial Conference and will take place between Monday 4th and Thursday 7th July at the High Leigh Conference Centre in Hoddeston, Hertfordshire, England.

The 2016 Tyndale Philosophy of Religion Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Daniel Hill, Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool.

The Conference theme will be “Marriage, Family and Relationships.” 

We encourage philosophers to consider offering papers on the Conference theme.

However, we welcome proposals on any aspect of Philosophy which bears on the Philosophy of Religion, broadly construed. We invite Abstracts from men and from women, from any philosophical tradition and from any religious outlook, including atheism.

Length of each presentation: 45 minutes (30 minutes for paper, 15 minutes for discussion).

Please submit an abstract to the Secretary, Dr. Joseph Diekemper (, by email and not later than April 1st.

Those successful will be notified by the end of April.