Please Consider Supporting the EPS

December 12, 2022
Posted by Chris Lee

I’ve said many times that the Evangelical Philosophical Society has been an important part of my personal and professional growth as a philosopher. As I began travel to the most recent annual meeting in Denver, my motivation as a scholar and teacher was just okay at best. The struggle to help students see the importance of philosophy, the feelings of futility one can have at times after decades of writing and teaching, plus the trials common to us all, combined to dampen my enthusiasm as I headed out to the conference.

But the conversations with old and new friends, the ability to hear from some great Christian philosophers and scholars, and the enthusiasm I experienced as several people offered their help in furthering the growth and impact of the EPS, led to a renewed sense of vision and purpose in my own work. This is one of the key reasons that the EPS exists, to foster a community of Christlike philosophers helping each other in our vocations. We also exist to help others come to know important things about God and his universe, for the sake of Christ, his church, and the world.

The work done by EPS members in our excellent the excellent journal and online venues are important parts of this, as are the various meetings and conferences we participate in beyond our annual meeting. In light of this, we count professors, pastors, apologists, campus ministers, and laypersons as part of our society.

I’m writing to ask you to partner with the EPS in another way, through your giving. Would you consider a monthly or even one-time gift to further the work of the EPS? Even $10-$20 month can help us accomplish our goals, as well as any year-end gift you are led to give to the EPS.

Your partnership will help us accomplish the following:

  • Creating a Membership Growth Campaign by reaching out to EPS members, helping them invite colleagues, students, and friends to join the Society. This can result in significant growth for the Society.
  • Launch a Conference Scholarship fund to support EPS members, especially international graduate students, to present at the EPS annual meeting and other conferences in the U.S. and around the world.
  • Empower Philosophia Christi to be sustainable in 2023 as production costs continue to increase.
  • Produce short video content from leading Christian scholars doing work in philosophy and interrelated disciplines.
  • Support additional regional meetings of the EPS as well as EPS involvement at the AAR, SBL, and APA meetings that provide venues for offering Christian perspectives on philosophical issues.
  • Enable more intentional space at our annual meetings to cultivate and encourage graduate students in their journey and professional development.
  • Grow the EPS Graduate Student Award and its opportunity to support and encourage emerging scholars.

We are an organization significantly driven by the generous giving of people’s time, talent, prayers, and financial resources. Any support you are able to give is deeply appreciated!

Thank you so much for considering this, and Merry Christmas!


Mike Austin
EPS President