EPS 2017: “An Interdisciplinary Critique of Theistic Evolution”

November 12, 2017
Posted by Administrator

Enjoy this Panel Discussion at the Annual ETS-EPS Conference in Providence, Rhode Island, November 15-17!

Date: Wednesday, November 15
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:10 PM
Room: Omni – Narragansett B&C

“An Interdisciplinary Critique of Theistic Evolution”

Moderator: Wayne Grudem (Phoenix Seminary)

  • 9:00 AM – 9:55 AM: “A Scientific Critique of Theistic Evolution”
    • 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Stephen C. Meyer* (Discovery Institute) “The Growing Scientific Problems with Contemporary Evolutionary Theory.” 
  • 9:55 AM – 10:50 AM: “A Philosophical Critique of Theistic Evolution”
    • 9:55 AM – 10:15 AM: J.P. Moreland (Talbot School of Theology) “Philosophical Problems with Evolution” 
    • 10:15 AM – 10:25 AM: Christopher Shaw* (Queens University, Belfast) “Bias in Science” 
    • 10:25 AM – 10:35 AM: Paul Nelson* (Biola University) “Problems with Methodological Naturalism*  
  • 10:35 AM – 10:50 AM: Q&A from audience in dialogue with panel of presenters 
  • 11:05 AM – 12:10 PM: “A Biblical and Theological Critique of Theistic Evolution” 
    • 11:05 AM – 11:25 AM: Wayne Grudem (Phoenix Seminary), “Theistic Evolution Denies 12 Creation Events and Undermines Crucial Doctrines” 
    • 11:25 AM – 11:30 AM: John Currid* (Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte), “Theistic Evolution Is Incompatible with the Teachings of the Old Testament”
    • 11:30 AM – 11:35 AM: Guy Waters (Reformed Theological Seminary), “Theistic Evolution Is Incompatible with the Teachings of the New Testament” 
    • 11:35 AM – 11:40 AM: Gregg Allison (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), “Theistic Evolution Is Incompatible with Historical Doctrinal Standards” 
    • 11:40 AM – 11:45 AM: Fred Zaspel (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), “B. B. Warfeld Did Not Endorse Theistic Evolution”
  • 11:45 AM – 12:10 PM Q&A from audience in dialogue with panel of presenters. 

* Invited guests to ETS-EPS.

See also the multi-authored volume, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique (Crossway, 2017).