Malik Academic Fellowship
February 24, 2025
June 08, 2015
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“What should I do?” is probably one of the most important, and most frequently asked, of the perennial human questions. This question can be asked at several different levels: (1) The moral level: What is the right thing to do? Is there a moral standard that should guide my actions, or am I the moral arbiter of my own actions? (2) The epistemological level: With so many possibilities, how can I know which is right? How should I choose my career, my school, or my life partner? (3) The ontological level: Am I “free” to make my own choices, or am I determined (by either the universe or by God), or am I somehow determined while making free choices? (4) The pastoral level: How do I properly advise people to make the best choices? There are, perhaps, many other aspects of this famous problem that could be discussed.
For its 2016 Conference, to be held in Montreal, Association Axiome invites theologians, philosophers, and apologists of the Francophone Evangelical community to submit their relevant papers. This Conference, organized in collaboration with the Evangelical Baptist Seminary of Quebec (SEMBEQ) and Paradigm conferences, will take place on site at SEMBEQ in Montreal on March 10-12, 2016. The time slots for accepted communications are: Thursday evening (20h00- 22:00), Friday during the day (10h00-12h00 and 14h00-16h00) and Saturday morning (10.00-12.00).
Instructions for Presentations
Regarding all presentations, we ask the candidates to respect, and to remain as close as possible, to the conference theme (Decision Making and the Divine Will: Theological, philosophical and pastoral issues) (and to highlight the link when they submit their proposal). The selection committee is, however, prepared to consider communications on other topics related to theology, philosophy and Christian apologetics.
English communications may be accepted, but preference will be given to French communications. All communications will be published in a collaborative work at the end of the congress.
Submission Procedure
All abstracts must be sent, no later than November 15th, 2015, by e-mail to the organizers of this conference at contact@associationaxiome.ca. The file should be a document in DOC format (Word) or PDF, and a maximum of 700 words. Note that this document must not contain any information that could identify the author, since it will then be submitted anonymously to two evaluators. Your e-mail to Association Axiome must, however, contain the following information: name, surname, professional status, institutional affiliation, and must be sent using an email that you check regularly
Note that only those proposals submitted directly to Association Axiome will be considered and integrated into the conference program.
Travel and accommodation costs
Those who are in need of a scholarship to pay for their travel expenses and accommodation should indicate their need in their proposal email. Those selected could receive funding for part of the costs of travel and accommodation (2 days).
Download a PDF of the Call for Papers (also in French) by clicking here.
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