Conference on Human and Christian Agency

August 24, 2010
Posted by Administrator

It’s not too late to register for next month’s meeting (Sept. 17-18) of the Society for Christian Psychology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The theme of the conference is “Human and Christian Agency” and will feature presentations by both Christian psychologists and philosophers.

Presenters, including Stephen Evans and Michael Pakaluk, will discuss such things as freedom, responsibility, moral weakness, and what it means to be a human agent, all of which issues lie at the interface of the fields of psychology and philosophy.

President of the Society for Christian Psychology, Eric Johnson, is committed to creating constructive dialogue between psychologists and philosophers. The vision for the society is to inspire scholarly inquiry that approaches all issues pertaining to the human soul and behavior from a Christian perspective. Johnson is author of the landmark text Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal (InterVarsity, 2007).

Next month’s SCP conference promises a rich and informative scholarly interaction. EPS members are encouraged not only to attend this conference but to get involved in other SCP activities to promote a genuinely Christian psychology.