Malik Academic Fellowship
February 24, 2025
June 30, 2009
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The Philosophy of Religion Group is issuing a call for papers for its session at the 2010 American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting on the topic of “The Hiddenness of Spiritual Realities.”
While the topic of “divine hiddenness” has received a modest amount of attention in recent years, the topic of this session is being cast a bit more broadly.
Those proposing papers are welcome to address the topic of divine hiddenness, however the program committee is also interested in considering papers that address hiddenness in non-theistic traditions, as well as aspects of hiddenness that are not focused on the existence of God.
Papers might thus address other topics where the hiddenness of a spiritual reality is initially surprising or unexpected given particular claims within a tradition.
For example, for traditions with an emphasis on natural law, the hiddenness of divine moral mandates might merit attention.
For traditions with a commitment to reincarnation, the seemingly minimal evidence for the existence of “past lives” might require explanation.Etc.
Those wishing to submit papers for consideration should send 350 word (or less) abstracts to the Program Chair, Michael Murray at Michael.murray@fandm.edu no later than SEPTEMBER 1, 2009.
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